Your ability to find customers who need trucks will put you on the right path to success. Establishing your own direct customers is the best way to guarantee a dependable cash flow. When you provide a direct customer with dedicated reliable trucking services they will be more apt to pay you on time and keep you loaded with their product. Both of which help make an excellent business relationship for years to come.


The most effective way I found my customers is by keeping my eyes and ears open when making pickups and deliveries. Look at the product on the docks or at the locations and gather all the information you can. Look for company names and address on boxes, product or anywhere else. Ask questions of the shipper or receiver like…


  1. Do you get that product every week?
  2. Does the same truck bring it or pick it up each week?
  3. Could you use a reliable dedicated truck?
  4. Who can I talk to?


Ask the drivers making pickups and deliveries questions to like…


  1. Do you haul this load every week?
  2. Did you get it from a broker?
  3. Do they have other loads every week?


You will be surprised at how much information you can gain just by politely talking to people at the shippers and receivers. It is important to point out to be respectful, polite and above all cautious. If they don’t want to discuss it with you thank them for their time and if you think an apology is in order to keep the peace then by all means apologize! Don’t be offended if a shipper or receiver doesn’t want to discuss their product shipments because they are most likely an employee that is not responsible for locating trucks. That is why you politely ask “who can I talk to?” If a driver doesn’t want to discuss his load it’s most likely because he owns his truck, he’s feeling threatened and wants to protect his relationship with his customer. Very understandable of a fellow truck owner. A sincere apology, congratulating them for acquiring such a valued customer and asking them for advice from their success would be the best response. They still may not talk to you but you have taken the high road and defused the situation.


Potential customers that need trucks are located everywhere. I have been known to stop as soon as I notice a business with trucks that are pulling the same trailer that I am pulling or that I am considering pulling (dry van, refer, step deck, dry bulk, etc.). There is nothing wrong with stopping, introducing yourself and meeting a potential new customer face to face. Business parks and business districts are a treasure-trove of potential new customers. Search them out and introduce yourself to as many businesses who will allow you the opportunity. In fact I have enjoyed more successful negotiations when I meet the customer in person even when walking in unannounced. They are able to read my body language, look into my eyes and see my confidence and commitment to their success. That is more valuable than anything you could put in a written contract or express over the phone. If at all possible meet with your potential and existing customers as often as possible. The rewards of a successful business relationship are increased immeasurably!


Take full advantage of customers who need your truck by learning how to get your own Operating Authority.